
Professions are what your character does between sessions such as gathering materials, crafting, building, or scouting. At level 2 you can pick a Primary Profession and at level 8 you gain a Secondary one as well. You can choose to work on one task between sessions, gaining the result at the start of the next time you play. Some professions can be done by any without training, though better benefits may be available to those with training in them.

As you gain levels your experience with your profession is also assumed to be increasing. This takes the form of 5 distinct tiers of ability gained at certain character levels. These tiers are Amateur, Novice, Practiced, Expert, and Legendary.
Primary Profession:
Level 2: Amateur
Level 5: Novice
Level 10: Practiced
Level 14: Expert
Level 18: Legendary

Secondary Profession:
Level 8: Amateur
Level 12: Novice
Level 16: Practiced

As you go up the tiers you will be able to attempt more difficult tasks and the tasks you could do already will become easier. You can choose to directly profit from your profession or work towards a specific goal. When you work towards a goal you roll a Profession Progress check. Each task you choose requires a GP value that's filled by the amount you rolled. If you exceed the amount needed the excess can be used on another task, if you are short you'll have to wait until your next session break to continue progressing.

ExperienceCash AverageProfession Progress Average
Characters untrained may assist a trained professional in Amateur and Novice tasks.

For example: a weaponsmith might choose to make a sword worth 250GP. As an Amateur averaging 33 GP per session it might take him about 8 sessions to make it, but a Legendary weaponsmith, averaging 570GP, could make 2 easily and have started into another.


Animal Handling
Farmer – Train mounts and war beasts, enabling their use and tweaking stats

Spell Research – Create new spells, modify existing ones, write scrolls more easily.
Artificer – Create Magic Items and constructs from materials in the world.
Alchemist – Create alchemical brews and potions

Forger – Forge documents like shipping manifests, writs, etc. Profit and gain leverage at a risk

Investigator – Gain intelligence on people, places, and things.

Priest – Work to gain followers for your god and spread your beliefs.

Healer – Produce poultices, splints, and medications from herbs and other materials to help against disease and permanent injuries.
Poison-maker – Create poisons from herbs and other materials.

Herbalist - Properly identify and prepare herbs for medicines and poisons.
Farmer - Gather seeds, plant crops, and grow them for profit.

Performer - Earn money and fans, as well as possible connections with important people

Hunter – Hunt and trap animals for profit and learn to extract valuable components used in alchemy, medicine, etc.

Construction – Earn profit that increases when used directly for building.
Shipbuilding - Build custom ships and earn profit
Smithing - Craft weapons, armor, and items

Baelik the Cursed - Expeditionary Summary 10/4/874

Reported by Layla Redstone: "Today our party ventured directly east of Longreach. We happened upon an old man-made structure on the ...