Tuesday, July 2, 2019

Baelik the Cursed - Expeditionary Summary 10/4/874

Reported by Layla Redstone:
"Today our party ventured directly east of Longreach. We happened upon an old man-made structure on the northern of the two river forks. When we looked inside, there were lots of recently killed entities; a hill giant, his pet-a massive spider-and lots of empty suits of armor. In the main hall was a large man in full armor covering his whole body by the name of Bealik He had just gotten done killing all of the inhabitants of the place and looting their treasures. He told us he was from north of the sea, and that "everything he does, will be undone." Looking a little closer, we saw that most of his jaw was rotten, like a zombie. Once he left things got dicey. Suits of armor with nothing in them sprang to life, attacking the nearest person. The giant and his pet spider also came to alive and attacked us. We barely made it out alive, and with some treasure to boot."

Members of the 10/4/874 Expedition:

Lord Illitor, Scorros
Redstone, Layla

Other News -
Caravan on Renard's Path attacked!
-Frog people from the swamps to the east have ransacked a caravan headed to Longreach. The members were kidnapped and are being held hostage. One person has been released and told us that the others were safe, though held in inhumane conditions. We are working on a solution to the issue. In the meantime remain cautious when leaving the town proper and anyone traveling Renard's path is required to have an escort of no less than 4 armed guards.

Lord F. Arden, on behalf of Sir Calen
10/5 in the Year 874

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Baelik the Cursed - Expeditionary Summary 10/4/874

Reported by Layla Redstone: "Today our party ventured directly east of Longreach. We happened upon an old man-made structure on the ...