New Character Guide

Making A Character:

We play on Roll20 in general, the link to the game is here. You can fill out a character sheet once you've joined the game and the DM has placed a blank character in your journal.

The country Aelline is a feudal system, with Longreach being on land owned by Sir Calen, a renowned knight. He was tasked with building a settlement capable of protecting the country’s northwestern frontier from all threats. To aid himself in this endeavor, Sir Calen has hired the Waymark Charter Company to help him settle the land. At the beginning of this campaign Longreach consists of barely 50 settlers with a small security force and you the players. You have to determine whether you start the game in the employ of Waymark or of Sir Calen and a reason you will have agreed to work for them for an extended period of time. Working for Sir Calen means more likely to ascend politically and gain land, working for Waymark means more access to money and building on the land.

Ability Scores: You have a few options

1-Roll 4d6, recording the combined value of the 3 highest rolls.
After you have 6 scores, reroll the second lowest ability score and replace it with the new result, whether lower or higher.
I need to watch the rolls so it’ll have to be in Roll20 or in person. You don’t get to reroll if your scores are poor and I won’t make you reroll if you get something really good.
You get to pick where your scores go.
Average score: 12.24

2-Roll 5d6 in order (STR-DEX-CON-INT-WIS-CHA) recording the combined value of the 3 highest rolls.
You don’t get to move your scores after they’ve been rolled.
I need to watch the rolls so it’ll have to be in Roll20 or in person. You don’t get to reroll if your scores are poor and I won’t make you reroll if you get something really good.
Average score: 13.4

3- Point Buy: Click here for Point Buy
Select 30 points instead of the default 27. Each score is maxed at 15, but you are guaranteed decent scores with high levels of control.
Average score: ranges from 12-13 depending on your min-maxing

Hard no on evil, sorry.

Your race WILL MATTER in how monsters and NPCs treat you.
Variant Humans are allowed but cannot take a feat with “Master” or “Expert” in the title, Sharpshooter, or Alert at level 1. You’re level 1, you’re not a master of anything.

Find the class you want to play here and view the in-game requirements for gaining your specializations.
If you have Xanathar’s Guide to Everything and want to you something out of there let me know so I can develop requirements for it.

I use custom deities with in game bonuses, read about them here.

Other Custom Rules:
Vitality/Hit Points
Take 1/4 of your Max HP and make a new pool called Vitality with that value (don't subtract anything from your HP).
HP represents your fighting spirit, damage to your HP represents shrugging off blows, divine intervention, luck, etc. Damage to your vitality is real hits resulting in bodily harm.
If your HP drops to 0 you become Dispirited and any new damage will now go to your Vitality. Damage exceeding remaining HP does not carry over to Vitality.
Healing may be applied to either Vitality to HP but not both and Vitality is not regained during short rests.
If you are brought to 0 Vitality you start dying and will suffer a serious injury like a broken arm or a gouged out eye.

• A dispirited creature suffers disadvantage on attack rolls and Ability Checks.
• Saving throws against the creature’s spells, attacks, and abilities have advantage.
• A creature that has at least 1 HP is no longer dispirited.

Some Other Notes: 
Keep in mind that you’re free to focus on anything you want and if you want to choose a class feature like you want Favored Enemy-Giants I’ll make sure there’s giants for you to favorite enemy the heck out of.

This game can involve:
Wilderness exploration and scouting locations for follow on parties (a big one, especially right off the bat). There are highly detailed maps that will be filled out as you explore.
Dungeon exploration and clearing
Army warfare
Settlement building
Guild creating
On and on.

Resources are limited on the frontier so it will have a semi-closed economy. Magic items can be bought and sold to eachother, wizards will need scrolls recovered from adventures to learn spells if they don’t want an exorbant fee, etc. Investing in different buildings will give you discounts and special treatment/possibly control over inventory.

For more info see the Player Guide

Baelik the Cursed - Expeditionary Summary 10/4/874

Reported by Layla Redstone: "Today our party ventured directly east of Longreach. We happened upon an old man-made structure on the ...