
The Riptide

Alignment: Lawful Neutral
Domains: Tempest, War

Minor Power: Effects last for 8 hours
1: The next successful attack an ally within 10 ft of you makes deals 1 less damage.
2: Your next successful attack deals 1 less damage.
6: an ally within 10 feet of you has +1 attack and damage on an attack.
Minor Power (Dedicated): 
1: The next successful attack an ally within 10 ft of you makes deals 1 less damage.
2-3: Your next successful attack deals 1 less damage.
5-6: an ally within 10 feet of you has +1 attack and damage on an attack.
Requirement: Douse your head in seawater and call out your prayer.

Mid Power: Everyone within 15 feet of you (Including yourself) and is outside makes a DC 13 Dex save or become marked. At the end of each of your turns for the next minute anyone who was initially marked is struck by small lightning strikes dealing 1d8 damage. This cannot be called off once started.
Mid Power (Dedicated): You have resistance to this damage

Requirement: Level 4, Sacrifice a livestock animal on an alter to Seivun and use special incense during the ritual (total cost of 100gp).

Great Power:
The terrain in a large radius around you (depends on type of terrain) begins to heave and roll, causing rocks to shatter, waves to crash, trees to fall, etc. In addition, if you are outside choose one of the weather effects from the table below.
Terrain Type Radius around you Duration Effect
Sea/Ocean 1 Mile 30min Great waves roll ships or crash onto shore. DC 13 or knocked prone, may be dragged into the water after
Plains/Desert 100 feet 10min The ground roils and turns to mud/quicksand, creating difficult terrain, slowing all inside
Forest 50 ft 1min Trees uproot or crack at their base, falling over in random directions, damaging and restricting movement
Swamp 30 1min The swamp become like viscous liquid, restraining those caught within if they fail a DC 15 Str Save (Acts like Entangle)
Mountain/Rocky/Cave 15 2rnds Stones crack and jut randomly. DC 14 Dex or 4d8 damage. Movement is 1/4 in area

Weather Type Radius around you Duration Effect
Great Winds 1 Mile 30min Ranged attacks are at Disadvantage
Driving Rain 1 Mile 10min Reduces sight to 30ft
Hail 50ft 1min 1d8 damage per round to anyone in the radius

Great Power (Dedicated):
Increase duration or radius by 1/2, increase DC by 2, or increase damage dice by 1 level.

Requirement: Level 12, Destroy a settlement on or near the sea made by sentient creatures.

Seivun is the god of seas and oceans, lightning and storms. He was once the lover of Amelo Sen, with whom he shared the responsibilities of wind and sea. However her fickle playfulness and lack of concern for consequences caused an accident that transformed him into a great sea serpent. Amelo was either unable or unwilling to change Seivun back to his normal self and Seivun became enraged and vowed revenge on his former partner. Confined to the waves, Amelo is always tantalizingly close, yet unreachable to him. This has driven him to unpredictable bouts of fury and violence, destroying ships and coastal towns without a second thought. His worshippers seek to use this power for their own and to perhaps divert his anger away from themselves. Like Amelo Sen, his worshippers often involve sailors, as well as druids and other spellcasters who draw power from the seas.

Baelik the Cursed - Expeditionary Summary 10/4/874

Reported by Layla Redstone: "Today our party ventured directly east of Longreach. We happened upon an old man-made structure on the ...