Monday, April 30, 2018

Back to Exploring - Expedition Summary 6/01

Breknar Swampshield led a small exploratory excursion into the wild to map the area north of Lake Stirge yesterday. On they way they were ambushed by a sinister group of orcs and goblins who camped out along the trail our brave men have been using through the area. Undaunted, they managed to defeat them while taking our first two prisoners: Griknak, goblin sniper who they've encountered before, and Vutrak Tonguespitter, some kind of leader in the orc tribe. Sir Calen has seen to it that they are imprisoned securely and we will use them to provide information to us regarding the orc's objectives and the location of their base. It was noted by Breknar that before being captured Vutrak showed his true colors by being too cowardly to battle in honorable one-on-one combat.
After returning these prisoners to Longreach the party continued their journey north and mapped the area surrounding the Elder Tree without meeting further resistance. At the ruins of the tower that had been infested by blight-now deemed "Mosaic Tower" after the mosaic found inside, they found an alter of an unknown god. Upon revisiting the pool of blood that had been feeding the giant flower blight they purified it and removed the many bodies and stirge corpses the blight seemed to have stored in the pool, proceeding to burn them in order to aid in purifying the region.

Finally, Breknar Swampshield has devoted himself to the safeguarding of life and nature and has taken the Oath of the Ancients at the base of the Elder Tree, truly we will purify this land of the evils within.

Members of the 6/01 Expedition:

Illitor, Scorros
Jones, Vincent
Swampshield, Breknar

Other News: The lumber yard is completed! The final tally on contributions towards the project are as follows: 
626gp: Breknar Swampshield 618gp: Lord Dieterich 480gp: Sir Calen 131gp: Scorros 102gp: Kellen 55gp: Assorted Small Investments 29gp: Tyrdithas 15gp: Vincent Breknar Swampshield and Lord Dieterich have been awarded the recurring stipends of 75gp and 50gp respectively for their contributions towards getting this community going. The boom in available jobs has led to a massive increase in our town's population as workers and their families flock to Longreach, and we anticipate the rate of growth of the town to increase as well. Thank you to all who have contributed to this project. Unfortunately, the workers at the lumber yard have complained of having to leave the site occasionally due to stirge harassing the area. Sir Calen is contemplating requesting additional guards for the settlement for this critical time. Additionally our map has been expanded following this excursion, see below:

Lord F. Arden, on behalf of Sir Calen
6/02 in the Year 874

An End to Blight - Expedition Summary 5/29

Lord Gunter Dieterich has successfully led a mission to the northern forest in order to eliminate the source of the blight! Working hand-in-hand with the industrious citizens of Longreach, our noble warriors equipped themselves with axes, saws, and fire arrows before they returned to the blighted tower north of Lake Stirge. There they cut their way back to the great root they had encountered on the expedition of 5/25 where they fought against a vicious onslaught of every kind of Blight and a swarm of stirge. While fending off the assault, we discovered that the great root did not reach to the Elder Tree, as previously imagined, but into a vile pool of blood and water that fed the great evil plant.

The rest of this summary is lifted directly from the words of Scorros Illitor, who tracked down the Blight to its lair:

Once we had defeated the monsters, we set to hacking apart the root. It gave way easily, with an almost fleshy softness beneath our axes, but once we cut through it immediately began to regrow and reconnect. Even burning the ends could not stop it. However, the energy it put into this combined with the lack of nourishment seemed to weaken it elsewhere, and heavy roots that had blocked the tower's entrances retracted. We entered the tower before the blight—apparently a single creature covering the entire building—could recover.
Inside, we discovered yet more bloody pools feeding the abomination's roots. How the blight were able to amass such a wealth of blood, I do not know. I am inclined to believe that a third party had supplied it.
It is worth noting that a mosaic showing a beautiful countryside adorned the tower's overgrown walls. A great civilization had once thrived here and celebrated its land.
We hacked our way to the top of the tower, fighting for every yard against both independent blights and vines from the giant. Among the crenellations were enormous flowers and vines seemingly straining to crack the stone. And there, in the center, lay a skeleton which no part of the monstrosity approached, with a pair of glimmering, perfectly intact gloves.
As we assessed the situation, three enormous vines and a single colossal flower more than eight feet thick shot up around us. The flower showered us with poisonous needles, while the vines batted us about, threatening to crush or to fling to the distant earth. But the entire party fought with great valor and was assisted by the enchanted corpse that the thing could not approach, and the abomination was hacked to pieces.
With the flower dead, the surviving parts set to tearing the tower down on our heads. I attempted to recover the corpse for decent burial, but it disintegrated in my arms, and we were forced to take the magic gloves and leave the bones.
The gloves were only able to ward off some of the blight's attacks. Poison was poured in our path, vines whipped and snagged and hurled stones at us, but eventually, we escaped. Only moments after the last of us exited the building, the blight pulled the tower down upon itself.
With our foes crushed, we at last returned to the elder tree. There the party honored my request to be the one to remove the malignant spear. The weapon grew thorns to impale my hands, but the gloves suppressed them and granted me a safe grip. I hauled it out, foot by foot as if dragging it free of sucking mud.
As soon as the spear was removed, it disintegrated. From the ashes emerged three evil-looking shadows, which immediately scattered and fled northward.
The horrible growths that had afflicted the elder tree died. When I spoke to the great tree, it met me with a blue glow, showing the life that still survived inside it.
The forest will recover.
I am left wondering whether the dead person was a hero who tried to stop the blight single-handedly, or the villain who planted it here, attempting to control it with nothing but the magic gloves. Regardless, I will use his or her artifacts only to protect the forest and the innocent from further attacks by blight.
I once again must commend everyone who participated in this endeavor. Not once did anyone shrink from the duty we were faced with, and all left numerous blights behind as lifeless heaps. Especially worthy of mention were Lord Dieterich, who fought on despite many wounds and repeated poisoning, and Breknar Swampshield, who again and again put his shield between his foes and his friends even when it meant he would be wounded.

Members of the 5/29 Expedition:

Lord Dieterich, Gunter
Illitor, Scorros
Jones, Vincent
Stoneleaf, Kellen
Swampshield, Breknar

Other News: Construction of the lumber yard is nearing completion, invigorated by the elimination of the blight that once threatened the endeavor. Materials to begin work on a general store are also on the way, which will greatly aid our day-to day life.

Lord F. Arden, on behalf of Sir Calen
5/30 in the Year 874

Tuesday, April 24, 2018

The Blighted Elder Tree and Tower - Expedition Summary 5/25

Understanding the threat the newly discovered Blight would have on our town, Sir Calen put out a reward to any who could find its origin. Answering this call were 5 of our stalwart explorers who marched out into increasing treacherous swamps north of Lake Stirge, battling the vile creatures as they went. This excursion was chronicled in great detail by Lord Dieterich, Scorros Illitor, and Breknar Swampshield and the following is a composite based on their writings:

A group of us (consisting of myself, Scorros, Breknar, Kellen, and Tyrdithas) decided to take action against the blight that has permeated the forests north of Lake Stirge. Not far north of the, the forest became a blasted wasteland, overrun with blight and stirge. We saw no other living creatures; only piles of skeletons consisting of various creatures remained among the dying trees.

Quickly, we found ourselves surrounded by a thick fog. We formed a defensive formation and slowly made our way through the woods. Lord Dieterich decided to take point as he has proven his capability at surviving dangerous situations. We relied on Scorros's expertise on the blight matter to guide us towards the source but as we marched forward we were attacked from beyond the fog by what was clearly Blight, though stirge were also present. Given the thick fog and tendency of Twig Blights to appear as bushes the entire area was very disorienting. Many of us became paranoid, sometimes carrying torches and swinging our weapons into brush with uncertainty, though Lord Dieterich showed great valor by promptly rushing into the fray to engage our foes head on and gain a better understanding of our surroundings.

As we pushed further north, thorns and brush formed an ever-tighter path to a single destination: an Elder Tree, impaled by a blighted spear... the nefarious actions of a deceased wizard or other practitioner of sinister magic, perhaps? The tree was suffering greatly, used as a conduit to spread the blight through dark, twisted roots and vines like veins. While some wanted to burn the tree down and eliminate the threat, the decision was made by those with the greatest understanding of the situation who determined that as green leaves remained, and the Elder Tree might still be saved if the blight can be cured. 

Behind this apocalyptic setting of the blighted elder tree we spotted an overgrown tower. As we approached it we noticed that there were large vines that seemed to be alive... in a more physical sense than any plant ought to have any right being. The vines thrashed out at any who came too close. We concluded that whoever thrust the spear through the Elder Tree must use it as his fortress and resolved to find and destroy them. The tower appeared to be old and inhabited. The surroundings were grossly overgrown and hadn't been taken care of for a long time-or perhaps the blight took over and things grew particularly fast. 

The tower grounds were full of blights and stirge and, being exhausted after our fight through the wasteland, we were soon divided and overwhelmed. We decided to withdraw and regroup, covering eachother as we exited the ruins. Before we left we gained valuable intel, we saw a great, pulsing root on the east side of the tower, likely a major artery between the thrashing vines and the elder tree. Destroying it could be devastating to the blight, but it would take time and adequate tools to cut, burn or saw through. It should also be noted that a thick mist in the region allowed our group to become separated frequently. This created life-threatening situations that should be avoided in the future through careful planning and coordination, and perhaps deliberate training.

We all survived and intend on returning to this dreadful place... so that we can kill the remaining blighted creatures and investigate the tower. Mark these words, we won't retreat this time.

Members of the 5/25 Expedition:

Lord Dieterich, Gunter
Illitor, Scorros
Stoneleaf, Kellen
Swampshield, Breknar

Other News: Wolf attacks have stopped and they are only occasionally seen now. As funding for a lumber yard reaches nearly half the needed amount the Waymark Charter Company has started scouting locations for the yard, though they've had some harassment by traps in the woods. Luckily only minor injuries so far. Our next shipment of goods will be arriving within the next few days so keep an ear out for Dax, he'll announce its arrival.

Lord F. Arden, on behalf of Sir Calen
5/26 in the Year 874

Monday, April 16, 2018

Wolf's Den - Expedition Summary 5/22

Wolf's Den

   Yesterday morning there was a loud commotion by the southeastern farms due to a wolf being successfully trapped by a combination of Breknar, Kellen and Scorros. They, with a few others, responded quickly to the incident outside of Abrin's farmhouse where they freed the wolf without escalating the situation or having anyone get hurt by the trapped beast or the pack guarding it.
   The group then followed the wolves back to their den where Kellen, Tyrdithas, Kellen, and Layla apparently calmed the wolves while Breknar and Rhogar encountered goblins in the den. The goblins seemed to be in control of the wolves, but the combatants cleverly used their knowledge of the goblin language to confuse the wolves and keep them from being aggressive. It was then found that the goblins had worgs working with them as well, please keep in mind that while they are dangerous, our warriors had no problem handling them and they should not pose any problem we can't handle. Here's what Breknar had to say when asked about the battle:
"A couple goblins were caught in nets [by Rhogar] in a fashion so epic I do not have the proper vocabulary to describe [it]" and that "the goblins refused to stand down and... were butchered."
In addition, Tyrdithas managed to face down a worg with nothing but his fists.

   As it stands now the pack of wolves still lives but it was deemed that their attacks were due to the control of the worgs and goblins and as such have been allowed to live for now. If any more livestock are lost due to them please report it immediately and a more permanent solution will be found.

Members of the 5/22 Expedition:

Illitor, Scorros
Redstone, Layla
Shorehammer, Rhogar
Stoneleaf, Kellen
Swampshield, Breknar

Other News:
Town growth is going a bit slower than anticipated as money from investors has slowed. We are sure it will pick up soon with Lady Silvain stating that it's normal for new towns to slow down slightly after the initial influx of money and before other investors have had time to determine if a town is going to survive-which we obviously will. However if you know of anyone who would like to make good money, tell them of the opportunity here, I'm sure everyone would like to have some real shops instead of waiting weeks for new tools and equipment.

Lord F. Arden, on behalf of Sir Calen
5/23 in the Year 874

Thursday, April 5, 2018

Expedition Summary 5/18

The second expedition to the forest in the north has shown that there may be more going on in the area than initially thought. The group was fairly reserved in their summary this time, but we've gathered that they encountered Blights, which can be a serious issue for the continued safety of our town. If anyone encounters such abominations seek town guard for help. If you are in immediate danger you can ward them off with fire, for more information see the bestiary kept in my office.
     Additionally it seems like orcs are working with goblins in the area to train wolves and other beasts, this may be the cause of the increase in wolf aggression. Please maintain close eyes on your livestock as Sir Calen works to rectify the situation. The town guard may be dispatched to clear Wolf's Den if the attacks keep occurring and Sir Calen deems it feasible while maintaining protection of the town.
     The expeditions have also found a strange runestone that seems to record conversations near it. We are unsure of the dangers this may pose and discourage anyone from seeking it as it may have effects we are not aware of. While it may not be related Breknar Swampshield, following an encounter with the stone, seemed overcome with a desire to arrest his superior Lord Dieterich due to Dieterich's desire to follow his responsibilities as a noble and protect his charges from evil orcs and goblins. I believe the stone may be a tool of orcish shamans to turn others to their cause, though it may have had a more prominent effect on one who shares a common heritage with them. However, Sir Calen has shown his wisdom in helping amend the damage done between the compatriots in an impromptu court and took into account the tale of how Breknar previously showed his courage in dealing with threats to the town. The claims brought against Lord Dieterich were as follows:

     Due to your actions today, I am charging you with dereliction of duty, gross incompetence, and engaging in combat with a non-combatant. This lead to the near deaths of member of our team, loss of valuable intel and allies. You've put your party at severe risk, demonstrated frequent racism, unnecessary violence, and for these reasons you will be court martialed and judged by your peers where you may plea your case and explain your actions. Relieve yourself of duty immediately. Please comply or you will be placed under arrest.
-Court Martial by Breknar Swampshield, 5/18/874

Sir Calen has opted to release a set of laws for the town that have before now been unneeded, but it's to be expected that this would come about. See them here.

Maps have been updated as well, see them here. A younger member of the court may have decided to draw on one of the larger maps, please ignore it. He seems to have been trying his hand at copying the newly discovered areas.

Members of the 5/18 Expedition:

Lord Dieterich, Gunter
Illitor, Scorros
Stoneleaf, Kellen
Swampshield, Breknar

Lord F. Arden, on behalf of Sir Calen
5/19 in the Year 874

Baelik the Cursed - Expeditionary Summary 10/4/874

Reported by Layla Redstone: "Today our party ventured directly east of Longreach. We happened upon an old man-made structure on the ...