
The Avenger, Flaming Retribution

Alignment: Neutral Good
Domains: Light, War, Tempest

Minor Power: Roll a 1d6, on a 6 you can inflict a -2 penalty to an attack against you as a reaction within the next 8 hours. This is chosen before the roll is made.
Minor Power (Dedicated): You can inflict this on a 5 or 6.
Requirement: Burn incense worth 1gp in prayer.

Mid Power: Your weapon deals 1d4-1 fire damage for 1 minute.
Mid Power (Dedicated): deals 1d4 instead.
Requirement: Level 4, Place 49 normal candles and one special sanctified candle (costs 100gp total) at a shrine or temple to Ziko.

Great Power: Cast a 15 ft Burning Hands (3d4 damage) from an opponent's space when you hit them with an attack as a bonus action for 1 minute.
Great Power (Dedicated): 3d6 damage
Requirement: Level 12, Must undertake a quest in pursuit of an evildoer who has escaped judgement and light all the candles at a  temple of Ziko. The ability can then be used when actively trying to pursue said foe.

Ziko is a vindictive god who hunts down those who commit heinous acts against the innocent and then try to evade the consequences of their actions. Ziko burns the evildoers out of their hiding places through his warrior priests and the spellcasters who worship him.

Baelik the Cursed - Expeditionary Summary 10/4/874

Reported by Layla Redstone: "Today our party ventured directly east of Longreach. We happened upon an old man-made structure on the ...