The Berserker, Unending Fury
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
Domains: War, Tempest
Minor Power: roll a d6, on 6 you can add 1d4 damage to an attack you make in the next 8 hours.
Minor Power (Dedicated): on a 5 you also gain this ability.
Requirement: spill a small amount of your own blood (1 damage) and shout your prayer loudly.
Mid Power: For 1 minute Every time you deal damage in melee you heal 1 HP
Mid Power (Dedicated): For 1 minute every time you attack in melee you heal 1 hp
Requirement: Level 4, paint yourself with magical runes that cost 100gp for the materials. These runes activate when you use this ability and burn up in smoke over the minute.
Great Power: See Rale Hemon
Raxagil was a shock trooper in Rale Hemon's Army but wasn't a known quantity until the battle of Heron Hill where he flew into a rage so fierce and so single-minded it's said his spirit wasn't aware his body had died and kept it fighting. Not alive but not unded his enemies could not stop him until he stood atop the hill as the lone remaining entity of either side. It was only then that his obliterated body crumpled to the ground. Rale Hemon brought him back and he eventually became the god he is today. He is the patron god of many warriors and barbarians for obvious reasons, though some artists follow him for his single minded dedication.