The Assassin, The Executioner
Alignment: Neutral Evil
Domains: War, Trickery
Minor Power: Roll 1d6, on a 6 you gain +1 initiative for an encounter in the next 8 hours.
Minor Power (Dedicated): On a 5 you gain this ability as well.
Requirement: A drop of blood from someone other than you must be placed on your weapon.
Mid Power: One attack you make gets +1d4 on the attack roll and +1d10 damage
Mid Power (Dedicated): +1d6 attack and +2d6 damage
Requirement: Level 4, pour a vial of common poison (100gp) over a shrine to Cull
Great Power: See Rale Hemon
Rale Hemon knew some commanders were easier to defeat off the battlefield than on it, and that many lives could be saved at the cost of one. As such he knew the value in having a skilled assassin. He wanted the best so he put a significant bounty on his own head and made sure to have Brandigen prepare a trap for would be takers to test how good they were. They caught many would be assassins except for Cull, who only became interested after other assassins began disappearing. Determining that something was afoot he outsmarted Brandigen by having trusted assistants pay others to pay others to poison everyone on Rale's staff through various means. He figured that if he didn't know who was poisoning who, a seer wouldn't be able to figure them all out either. It worked, killing half of Rale's highest ranking men and almost killing him and Brandigen themselves. It was only because Cull's sister Carix figured out what was going on and stepped in that they lived and found out who the assassin was. Cull was promptly hired and proved an invaluable asset. Carix was also on staff for a short time but would not work with Cull and actively tried sabotaging him constantly. Unable to reconcile their differences, Rale Hemon took the one he felt he needed to stay on his side more, and let Carix go. Obviously Cull is the patron saint of many, many assassins and violent types. However many forget his precision and patience that some in other fields find outweighs his violent acts.