The Battlemage, Scorched Earth
Alignment: Chaotic Evil
Domains: War, Light
Minor Power: Roll 1d6 on a 6 a spell you cast in the next 8 hours has +1 save DC or +1 attack
Minor Power (Dedicated): On a 5 you also gain this ability.
Requirement: spend 1 gp on incense that you burn while uttering a dark prayer.
Mid Power: On two occasions you can cast a cantrip as a bonus action.
Mid Power (Dedicated): gives you a third occasion.
Requirement: Level 4, burn 100gp worth of spells written in a spellbook or scroll (Two level 1 spells or one level 2 spell) at a shrine to Aventerof.
Great Power: See Rale Hemon
Aventerof's addition to Rale Hemon's war party was met with much trepidation from the rest. Known throughout the land as a powerful and extremely dangerous lich, it was perhaps Rale's greatest achievement that he was able to get cooperation from him. Some say he struck a terrible deal with the lich, some say Rale held his phylactery hostage, and others still say he was just that persuasive. Whatever the case, the counsel of a mad lich proved invaluable in the campaigns waged by Rale and contributed greatly to his ascendance to godhood. Aventerof is known for his policy of wiping out his foes in oceans of fire and storms of acid rain. His knowledge and magical prowess has made him the patron of many power-hungry spellcasters.