Collector of Secrets, Judge of the Dead
Minor Power: roll 1d6, on a 6 you get +1 on a History or Religion check.
Alignment: Lawful Neutral
Domains: Knowledge, Life, Tempest
Minor Power (Dedicated): On a 5 you get the +1 as well.
Requirement: learn something new about someone and whisper it in a prayer to Thylius.
Mid Power: For 1 minute gain access to a power from a specialization you didn't take. You must be high enough level to use it.
Mid Power (Dedicated): You can split the 10 rounds up throughout an 8 hour period.
Requirement: Level 4, write a piece of knowledge not known to most and encase it in a special sealed box costing 100gp at a shrine to Thylius.
Great Power: Learn something specific about someone or. This could be how much HP they have, what spells they have prepared, what their weapon does, who they work for, etc. They learn something similar about you.
Great Power (Dedicated): They don't learn anything about you.
Requirement: Level 12, Uncover a well-guarded secret, such as a monastic tradition taught only to those of a specific monastary, and pray silently in a temple to Thylius and tell him what you learned.