
Gentle Guide of the Passed, Seer of the Divine

Alignment: Neutral Good
Domains: Grave, Knowledge

Minor Power: roll 1d6, on a 6 you only need 2 successful death saves to stabilize that day.
Minor Power (Dedicated): On a 5 you only need 2 successful death saves, on a 6 you only need 1.
Requirement: Light a candle or produce some sort of light on a memento costing 1gp and place it on a grave to bless the passed soul, wishing safe passage. 

Mid Power: Delay the effects of one damaging or healing effect for up to 1d6 rounds 
Mid Power (Dedicated): Delay the effects for up to 2d4 rounds
Requirement: Level 4, Perform last rites for the recently deceased utilizing materials costing 100gp that have been sanctified at a shrine to Alosyin.

Great Power: Sever unnatural connections between death and life. Used against undead it will render 1D20+your level in HD of undead inert for 1 minute if they fail a CHA save as a 6th level spell, otherwise they act as though slowed. Alternatively it can be used to prevent the target from casting or receiving any kind of animate dead, resurrection, or reanimation magic for 2d6 days
Great Power (Dedicated): Renders 3d8+Your level in HD of undead inert/prevents reanimation magic for 3d6 days
Requirement: Level 12, Perform a public funeral ceremony for a well known person to the satisfaction of Alosyin.

   Alosyin is the guide of the good of heart or who have done their best in life and have passed to the next one. She comforts the deceased and explains the next steps they will take and what they can expect, guiding them to the afterlife their diety has set aside for them after they have been judged by Thylius. Due to her role as a guide she is the patron saint of diviners, embalmers, and some travelers.

Baelik the Cursed - Expeditionary Summary 10/4/874

Reported by Layla Redstone: "Today our party ventured directly east of Longreach. We happened upon an old man-made structure on the ...